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Men and boys of all ages, don't miss the Breakfast of Champions on Saturday, January 28, 2023 at 9:00am.  We'll be joined by former NFL player and Evangelist, Joe Jackson!  


Joe Jackson grew up in a good Christian home in Cincinnati, Ohio.  He was baptized and became a member of Second Trinity Baptist Church at the age of twelve years old. Yet he never committed his life to Christ until later.

Joe struggled as a youth with a lack of self confidence and low self esteem.  Standing almost six-feet tall and one hundred and seventy-six pounds in only sixth grade, Joe towered over his friends and classmates. This distinction made him different. He felt odd, weird, and clumsy.

He sought acceptance from friends and gleaned in their approval. To be thought of as special in the eyes of his peers meant everything. Soon poor choices and peer pressure led Joe to juvenile detention with reform school on the horizon. He began to see his dream to one day play in the National Football League slip away - not to mention the big disappointment he was to parents and family. Joe needed a priority change. He needed God.The Lord began to graciously work in Joe Jackson's life.

He gave his heart to Jesus Christ during his freshman year at New Mexico State University.  Through the ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ, The Navigators and The Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Joe's life was dramatically changed.

Today, he travels world wide as an evangelist. He is Pro director of Athletes International Ministries, an outreach to professional athletes and coaches. In addition, he serves as Church Evangelist at Phoenix First Assembly of God Church, Tommy Barnett, Pastor.